Coffeemugs and t-shirts

The Village Coffee and Music did some products with my design on it. Get it at the shop.



Made a sausage queen doodle for bert van wassenhove. He did it in ink.


Our Latest Mistake Groupshow

Our Latest Mistake shows the latest work of 6 painters: Onno Lolkema, Eric de Jong,
Peter Dammers, Michiel Ten Bokum, Taco Eisma and myself. The Show is looking
really good, and is running from 21 - 31 oktober 2010. Check out the site for more info:

Our Latest Mistake Website



The Landslide

Landslide is the working title of the collaboration that Merijn Hos and Raymond Teitsma
will contract in the space of Paraplufabriek in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
During one week the duo will use the exhibition space as their joint studio and fill it
up with work that functions as a dialogue between the different ways of how both
artist approch their own personal work. The whole experience will be updated daily
from 2-9 April, be sure to check it out ;

Opening is Friday 9th April 20:00 Paraplufabriek in Nijmegen, the Netherlands


Hippy Ghost Town

Be sure to check it out it's gonna be a nice little event

And hit the tumblr ----> HIPPY !!


Another Day in Paradise
Zine i did a while back, just got round to getting it up here. still some left.


Galerie Noordervliet en Willems, Wijk Bij Duurstede 30 okt.- 30 nov. 2008
Doing a show in my hometown with Merijn Hos. I'm doing a series titled 'Barcelona'.


So Far So Good, Utrecht 26 okt.- 31 okt. 2008
Merijn Hos curated a show at Central Museum/ CM Studio for NoLabel. Maurice R. van Zante ,
Jeroen Bont, Ephemeron, Jeroen Van Mourik, Daniel Jacobus Roozendaal and myself partoke in
this sweet little event.
